OpenGrm-NGram model building

Token model

en.token is a file which contains one sentence per line, with case-folded tokens separated by whitespace. Here, we use the built-in symbol table support.

$ head -1 en.token  # Just for demonstration.
health care reform , energy , global warming , education , not to mention the economy .
$ ngramsymbols en.token en.sym
$ farcompilestrings \
      --fst_type=compact \
      --symbols=en.sym \
      --keep_symbols \
      en.token \
$ farinfo en.token.far
$ ngramcount \
    --order=3 \
    en.token.far \
$ ngrammake --method=kneser_ney en.token.cnt en.token.lm
$ fstinfo en.token.lm
$ ngraminfo en.token.lm
$ ngramperplexity en.token.lm en.token.far
$ ngramshrink \
       --method=relative_entropy \
       --target_number_of_ngrams=100000 \
       en.token.lm \
$ ngramperplexity en.token.shrunk.lm en.token.far

Character model

en.char is a file which contains one sentence per line, with decimal codepoints (each representing a character) separated by whitespace. Here, we disable symbol tables and just use the conventional mapping from bytes to ASCII.

$ head -1 en.char  # Just for demonstration.
72 101 97 108 116 104 32 99 97 114 101 32 114 101 102 111 114 109 44 32 101
$ farcompilestrings --fst_type=compact en.char en.char.far
$ farinfo en.char.far
$ ngramcount --require_symbols=false --order=6 en.char.far en.char.cnt
$ ngrammake --method=witten_bell en.char.cnt en.char.lm
$ fstinfo en.char.lm
$ ngraminfo en.char.lm
$ ngramperplexity en.char.lm en.char.far
$ ngramshrink \
      --method=relative_entropy \
      --target_number_of_ngrams=100000 \
      en.char.lm \
$ ngramperplexity en.char.shrunk.lm en.char.far